Abraham Martinez

Abe has the true core values of the PLUR life. Abe gives nothing but good vibes of peace love unity and respect not just while raving but in life in general on a daily basis. I consider myself very lucky and and blessed to have him in my life as a friend. If anyone should be recognized for the good and selfless acts it’s Abe. In 2016 my life went through some major life changing events. I didn’t know how to live anymore, I felt like I was going through severe depression. Abe was that person that picked me up when nobody else saw anything worth picking up. If I could describe Abe it would be that person that breathed life back into my soul and taught me that my life was worth everything. That was not something that anyone had to take the time to do. That wasn’t something that was done overnight or for his benefit. That was a hard struggle I experienced on a daily basis. He was there for me when nobody else was and when I describe Abe I literally think of him as that person who saw me down and at one of my worst most difficult stages in life. But he took the time to help me through this and built my self esteem backup. Abe is that person that is the prime example of PLUR. Abe is the real deal and the most selfless person I have ever met in my life and for that I would like to nominate him for this recognition because to me he inspires me to strive to be the type of person he is which in my eyes the world needs more people like Abe. This photo to me is me and my best friend. He was there and help me through so much when he didn’t have to because that’s how he is he wants nothing but good for others.